Stacey Malcolmson, Pam Busbee, Micki and Mike Rawlings, Christie Carter, Jennifer Staubach Gates
and Chad Park at the 2023 The Senior Source Patron Party.
Thursday, February 16, 2023

Friends of The Senior Source, both old and new, gathered at the beautifully renovated home of Pam and Vin Perella for the Spirit of Generations Patron Party, sponsored by Texas Capital Bank. This year The Senior Source is celebrating the Honorable Michael S. and Micki Rawlings at our luncheon on Thursday, March 9, 2023 at the Hilton Anatole hotel. The Patron Party included the luncheon’s most generous table sponsors and underwriters. Guests were treated to hors d’oeuvres catered by Central Market and a full bar sponsored by Pogo’s Wine & Spirits.  Â

A brief program was kicked off by The Senior Source’s Board Chair, Chad Park. Chad entertained the crowd with a story about Vin and an expired golf package Chad had won at the Crystal Charity Ball auction several years ago. Chad recounted how warm and inviting Vin was then, just like the Perellas were this evening by welcoming The Senior Source guests in their home.
Stacey Malcolmson, President & CEO of The Senior Source, reminded everyone that planning to age eliminates much of the financial and emotional crises that can go along with getting older. Fortunately, The Senior Source improves the financial and emotional well being for all older adults.

Effie Dennison, representing Texas Capital Bank, was in full preacher’s daughter’s mode to the delight of the 75+ in attendance. She recalled working closely with Mike when he was Mayor on Grow South, and she listed an array of community organizations which have benefited from Micki’s involvement. Effie then introduced the Molly S. Bogen service award winner, Sydney Portilla-Diggs, who will be honored at the luncheon for her commitment to older adults through her nutrition-focused nonprofit, Any Step Community Services.
Christie Carter, the luncheon’s chair, reminded everyone that with three weeks to go, there are still tables and tickets to be sold. She mentioned three great raffle items including a dinner for 10 at Salum, a round of golf with Former Mayor Rawlings and George Dunham, and $2,500 in Central Market Gift Cards that can all be purchased even if you are not able to attend the luncheon. Both luncheon and raffle tickets may be purchased here:

Other guests at the patron party included Pam Busbee (individual underwriting Chair), Jennifer Staubach Gates (corporate underwriting chair) and her husband, John, Joyce and Linus Wright (who turns 96 on March 1), Jan and Fred Hegi, Sara and Robert Hallam, Diane and John Scovell, Beth and Chuck Thoele, Shelle Sills, Claire Emanuelson, Susie and John Adams, Suzy and Larry Gekiere, Kathy and Larry Helm and more.