Other Senior Resources
The Senior Source provides a wide array of programs and services to meet the changing and growing financial and emotional needs of older adults in greater Dallas. However, when it makes sense to refer clients to our partners—trusted organizations and experts in their service delivery of other senior resources—we want to make it as easy as possible for you to connect with them.

We Support Older Adults
Other Senior Resources
- Transportation
- How to Book a Ride
- Housing
- Rent Assistance
- Employment
- Food Insecurity
- Mental Health
- Donate DME Equipment
- Other Geographic Areas
- Texas Elections/Voting
- Senior Dental Care
- How to Manage Someone Else’s Money in Texas Toolkit

Dallas County Health and Human Services Medical Transportation
New eligibility requirements: ONLY 60+ Dallas County residents living in one of the following zip codes are eligible
- 75061, 75115, 75208, 75210, 75211, 75212, 75215, 75216, 75217, 75228, 75235, 75237, 75241, 75243, 75246
- Limit 2 round trips per month per rider
- Dialysis treatment NOT eligible

How to Book a Ride
Call 833-471-3440, and book up to 24 free round trips for medical-related purposes
- Support Center Hours of Operations: M – F 5:00 AM – 10:00 PM CT, Sat – 7:30 AM – 5:00 PM CT
- Use code, “DallasRides4OlderAdults”
- Provide a home address, month and year of birth, demographic and trip information upon booking
- Fare-free transportation made possible by Dallas County using the AARP Ride@50+ Program

Homeless Shelters/Resources
- VA Homeless Outreach (for veterans) 1-800-849-3597 ext.78955
- Austin Street Center (Men 45+, Women 18+) 1717 Jeffries St, Dallas 75226, 214-428-4242
- The Bridge (men and women 18+) 1818 Corsicana St. Dallas 75201, 214-670-1100
- Center of Home/Union Gospel Mission (women and children) 4815 Cass St. Dallas 75235, 214-638-2988
- Family Gateway (men, women, and children) 711 S. St. Paul St. Dallas 75201, 888-411-6802 (option 3)
- We have a small green booklet from Our Calling at the front desk that has many more resources for those experiencing homelessness
Apartment Complex/Rental Property
Not assisted living facilities, but independent living or just a regular apartment: Texas Tentants’ Union, 214-823-273, https://txtenants.org/
Home Repairs
- Area Agency on Aging Access and Assistance Program: 214-871-5065
- Rebuilding Together: 972-245-6900
- Habitat for Humanity’s A brush with Kindness Program: 214-678-2300 (outside repairs only)

Rent Assistance
- North Dallas Shared Ministries https://www.ndsm.org/
- Pilgrim Rest: 214-821-4443 https://www.pilgrimrestdallas.org/communityoutreach
- Positive Reflections Ministries: 214-208-5536 https://www.prmpointofcontact.org/emergency-assistance

- Texas Workforce Commission – for all ages https://www.twc.texas.gov/jobseekers/job-search
- Goodwill – for those with disabilities https://goodwillnorthcentraltexas.org/job-placement/

Food Insecurity
- North Texas Food Bank https://ntfb.org/our-programs/get-food-assistance/find-a-food-pantry/
- Any Step Community Services https://www.anystepcommunity.com/

Mental Health
- Jewish Family Service of Greater Dallas https://jfsdallas.org/
- Metrocare Services https://www.metrocareservices.org/
- Suicide Crisis Line 988 has been designated as the new three-digit dialing code that will route callers to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (now known as the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline)

Donate DME Equipment
Our Caregiver Support Program will take incontinence supplies/adult disposable briefs, bed pads, wipes, gloves
- DFW DME Exchange of Dallas, Inc., 12015 Shiloh Rd, Dallas, Tx 75228 214-997-3639
- Faith in Action, 310 N. Walton St Dallas, TX 75226 214-818-1080
- Sharing Life Outreach, 3544 E. Emporium Circle Mesquite, Tx 75150, 972-285-5819

Senior Resources in Other Geographic Areas
Google Area Agency on Aging for the county that the person is interested in or use the Eldercare Locater, a service of the U.S. Administration on Aging.

Texas Elections/Voting
- Texas Secretary of State website with FAQs and details 1-800-252-VOTE(8683) or https://www.votetexas.gov/faq/
- League of Women Voters – Voter Guide with candidate information and information on timelines and out to register to vote. https://lwvtexas.org/Be-a-Texas-Voter#gsc.tab=0

Senior Dental Care
- North Dallas Shared Ministries: 214-358-8729 https://www.ndsm.org/
- Agape Clinic: 972-707-7782 https://www.theagapeclinic.org/
- Mission East Dental Clinic: 972-682-8917 https://missioneastdallas.org/dental-clinic/

This toolkit is for financial caregivers who manage money or property for those unable to do so themselves. If you have questions about your responsibilities, talk to a lawyer, read our guides as background or visit the “Seniors and the law” webpage at TexasLawHelp. Written in partnership between AARP Texas and Texas Appleseed.
Other Senior Resources
Information & Referrals
Below are service providers by topic that can answer your questions and meet your needs. And we have more! If you still can’t find what you’re looking for, contact us and we will give you a call to try and assist further.