Caring for a Loved One

Home Safety Checklist RESOURCE scaled

Home Safety Checklist

Do all entrances to your home have outdoor lights? Are exterior walkways free from cracks and holes? Are all exterior stairs and ramps slip-resistant? Front and Back Entrances: Do all entrances to your home have outdoor lights? Are exterior walkways free from cracks and holes? Are all exterior stairs and ramps slip-resistant? Are handrails easy […]

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Assisted Living Facility COVID 19 response emergency rule

Assisted Living Facility COVID-19 Response Emergency Rule

The Executive Commissioner of the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC or Commission) adopts on an emergency basis in Title 26 Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 553, Licensing Standards for Assisted Living Facilities, new §553.2001, concerning an emergency rule in response to COVID-19 and requiring assisted living facility actions to mitigate and contain COVID-19.

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Documentos Importantes Que Todo Cuidador Debe Tener Para Su Ser Querido

Información médica para su ser querido: Lista del historial médico y los medicamentos du su ser querido Lista / información de contacto de todos los proveedores médicos, dentista Información de farmacia y pedidos por correo Toda la información del seguro, incluida la atención a largo plazo Documentos HIPPA firmados No resucitar orden (DNR) si estos

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Important Documents Every Caregiver Should Have For Their Loved One

When you become the caregiver of an incapacitated loved one the first step is to organize all the documents. You will need medical, financial, and identification forms and cards to arrange proper care. This helpful checklist is a good place to start. Medical Information For Your Loved One: List of your loved ones medical history

Important Documents Every Caregiver Should Have For Their Loved One Read More »

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