Louise and Guy Griffeth (center) are honored at the Spirit of Generations Awards Luncheon by Rebecca J. Wynne, Chair of The Senior Source (left), and Rev. Dr. Christopher D. Girata (right)
It was quite the affair bringing together our generous contributors and past luncheon honorees for the 30th Anniversary Spirit of Generations Awards Luncheon: Gameshow Edition, honoring Louise & Guy Griffeth for their philanthropic impact on the Dallas community. The honorees of years past in attendance walked the red carpet to kick the festivities off, including:
Marla & Mike Boone • Becky Bright • Sandra & Henry Estess • Jan & Fred Hegi • Kathy & Larry Helm • Sally & Forrest Hoglund • Kay Bailey Hutchison • Carolyn & David Miller • Lydia & Dan Novakov • Diane & John Scovell • Julie & Jim Turner

The centerpieces featured yellow roses, a nod to our honorees, atop board games that were later donated to local nursing homes and assisted living facilities. The facilities we serve may not have these games to enjoy and if they do, they certainly don’t have all the pieces.
Although the awards luncheon had a fun and lighthearted game show theme, Stacy Malcolmson, President and CEO of The Senior Source emphasized what this event is truly about when she stated, “Did you know that three percent of philanthropic dollars go to older adult causes? That’s right, just three percent for the largest and fastest growing age group.”
“Aging is a cause that we can all relate to. Many of you have struggled mightily caring for a loved one. Many of you have known someone who has been scammed, or you’ve had a close call of being scammed yourself. And many of you know just how scary and expensive aging can be. So that’s why I’m here today to ask you to care about aging and to make it larger than three percent of your philanthropic priorities. The seniors we serve are counting on you.”
Stacey also introduced a new agency video “game show edition” which you can watch by clicking here.
Continuing with the game show theme, the fun went ahead with George “Jub” Dunham competing in the Spirit of Generations Match Game as DJ LC brought his signature light and humor as our host.

After lunch, Stacey Malcolmson and past honoree, Kathy Helm, presented The Molly H. Bogen Service Award to Betty and John Taylor, Jr. and John Taylor III for their decades-long service to The Senior Source.

The tribute portion of the luncheon was The Griffeth Gameshow! Four teams of this year’s honorees’ closest friends and family competed for who knows them the best.

The grand finale was a surprise appearance by the University of Texas Alumni Band, serenading the ballroom as the answer to the final question was revealed. “Where did Louise and Guy meet?” And all horns were raised high!
The Senior Source and the programs serving our community’s older adults thanks to YOU
{But Team LYTM – Love You The Mostest gets the bragging rights!}
The Longhorn Alumni Band (LHAB) is best known for performing a full-field halftime show at UT home games. Since its inception, the LHAB established an educational charitable mission of providing scholarships to active Longhorn Band (LHB) students.

Following the lively band performance, main honorees Louise and Guy Griffeth took the stage to receive the award, with Louise bringing it home by giving a heartfelt acceptance speech. She stated, “It’s kind of scary growing older. I don’t know about y’all, but waking up most mornings with some new ache or pain, all the diminishing abilities like seeing and hearing, and then never being able to find your phone or your keys.”
“Those are frustrating. But can you imagine if you are also facing all of that and living alone, or surviving with limited income and very few resources? Or maybe you’re the sole caretaker for a family member that’s ill. Or maybe you’ve moved into an assisted living place and feel like you don’t have a voice or an advocate. Now that can be very frightening.”
“We are so fortunate to have The Senior Source in Dallas with their numerous collaborations and their access to so many services, that they can really help those people and give them dignity and hope and all those things that they need.”
The Senior Source appreciates Louise’s touching and inspiring words. We greatfully acknowledge the contributions of Louise and Guy Griffeth, the Taylor family, and every contributor—personal and corporate—to The Senior Source who makes it possible to serve and protect senior adults in our area. Thank you for your support during this special 30th edition of the Spirit of Generations Awards Luncheon.