Special Events

By participating in our special events, you can sustain our services, learn more about The Senior Source’s programs, introduce your friends to our agency, and meet additional like-minded supporters.

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Spirit of Generations Luncheon

The Senior Source presents The Spirit of Generations Award annually to an individual or group of individuals who have contributed significantly in “thoughts, words and deeds” to all generations of the Dallas community-past, present, and future.


Charles C. Sprague Sage Society

The Charles C. Sprague Sage Society has a dual purpose of supporting services that improve the quality of life for older adults and enlightening area leaders on the challenges and concerns of our aging population.


Jub Jam

Since 2012, The Senior Source has been the beneficiary of Jub Jam, a Texas music concert and charity auction hosted by George Dunham and Sportsradio 96.7 fm/1310 am The Ticket.

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North Texas Giving Day

NTX Giving Day is the largest community-wide giving event in the nation. Since its inception in 2009, this online event has transformed from an idea to help local people give wisely, to a movement that has ignited a broad culture of community-wide giving. Participate in this event by donating to The Senior Source on this day.

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Beat the Heat

For most of us, a broken air conditioner is an uncomfortable inconvenience. For a senior in Dallas, it can be life-threatening. Our Beat the Heat campaign makes it possible for The Senior Source to provide relief from the heat to Dallas area older adults who lack access to cool air in their homes.


TIAA Charity Golf Tournament

The Texas Instruments Alumni Association (TIAA) has graciously selected The Senior Source as the beneficiary of its annual charity golf tournament every year since 2001.

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