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Serving the community a key employee benefit and part of Text-Em-All’s purpose

Community Impact

Finding ways for employees to give back is a top priority at Text-Em-All, a company whose core values include compassion, authenticity and shared excellence.

Text-Em-All, a Frisco-based software company specializing in delivering text messages and phone calls, offers regular volunteer opportunities to staff, including the opportunity to donate $1,000 quarterly to a local charity; a week of paid volunteer time each year; and chances to serve the local senior community.

“We’ve always been a company that wants to give back,” Head of Marketing Ron Kinkade said. “We treat our employees well, but we also want to treat customers well. Going back to our company purpose, it’s also about a positive impact that extends to the community.”

One of the company’s main volunteer initiatives involves supporting organizations like The Senior Source, a nonprofit focused on improving the lives of seniors in the metroplex that Text-Em-All has partnered with for more than a decade.


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