Holiday Gifts with Heart

According to The Senior Source’s Board Chair, Chad Park, the nonprofit agency is ready to take your donation of small gifts and personal care items to bring a smile to the face of a lonely nursing home resident. Nearly half of seniors in long-term care facilities never received visitors. For some, a gift from The Senior Source will be the only one they receive this year.

The Senior Source serves as the Long-Term Care Ombudsman to all residents of nursing homes and assisted living facilities.  Not only does The Senior Source protect the 16,000 residents’ welfare, but its Friendly Visitor volunteers also bring cheer to the residents.  “In 2021, The Senior Source board and I delivered holiday gifts to residents of Carrollton Health and Rehabilitation Center. Every facility I have visited in the past several years has left an indelible mark on my heart, and last year’s visit to the Carrollton center was just as special. The center serves a large number of Korean residents, so I had the opportunity to speak to them in Korean!

It was wonderful to see the look on their face when I spoke to them in their native language and when we handed out Korean coloring books and games. Most of them could not speak English, so this was a delightful surprise for them.

For me, this event is what the holidays are all about, bringing a smile and much-needed joy to some residents that may not get to celebrate with their loved ones. It reminds me of all the good that exists in this community and why we at The Senior Source have worked tirelessly serving older adults for more than 60 years.”

While online shopping, will you add a gift or two to your cart for the older adults who feel isolated and alone this holiday season? With a few clicks of your mouse, you can send a pair of reading glasses and a book to an older adult in a low-income assisted living facility.

Your gift will be a small token of gratitude. It will honor an older adult who has already given so much to our community. Our seniors have protected our freedoms, raised families, and developed our neighborhoods. At The Senior Source, we work to ensure that they live their later years with the dignity and respect they deserve.


Our wish list link:  At checkout, Amazon even allows you to ship the gifts directly to The Senior Source’s office.

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