Shield our Seniors App
The Elder Financial Safety Center at The Senior Source is a safe and trusted place for older adults and their loved ones to get expert, professional, and unbiased guidance to ensure financial well-being- from essential needs to helping those who have experienced financial exploitation. In 2023, we launched a reliable resource for first responders and the general public to better know the signs of elder abuse and how to help.

Click to Learn About the Elder Financial Safety Center’s App
Shield our Seniors
Partner Agencies
The Senior Source
Dallas County District Attorney’s Office
UNT Dallas College of Law
Dallas Fire Rescue and Dallas Police Department
More Info

Download our App “Shield our Seniors”
This app assists those who interact with seniors to help them fight against abuse, neglect, and exploitation of seniors. The app, called Shield Our Seniors or SOS, contains state statutes, warning signs, abuse examples, interview techniques and questions to ask victims, hypothetical case examples, reporting information, and resources for nonemergency or abuse cases.
To Download on iPhone and iOS devices:
Open the Apple App Store. In the Search field, type: Shield Our Seniors. (The Search field has a small magnifying glass icon in it.) A list of apps will appear. Click on the one labeled “Shield Our Seniors” which is from The Senior Source. Click on it to open it, then click on the “Get” button to install it on your device. You may open the app once it has been downloaded and installed.
To Download on Android devices:
Open the Google “Play Store” and in the Search field, type: Shield Our Seniors. (The Search field has a small magnifying glass icon in it.) A list of apps will appear. Click on the one labeled “Shield Our Seniors” which is from The Senior Source. Click on it to open it, then click on the “Install” button to install it on your device. You may open the app once it has been downloaded and installed.
Our Focus
Our Services
Elder Financial Safety Center
- Benefits Assistance
- Budgeting
- Debt Management
- Employment Services
- Filing a Fraud Complaint
- Financial Coaching
- Insurance Counseling
- Money Management
- Wills Clinic

Benefits Assistance
Our Benefit Assistance services are designed to give you a boost to your finances during times of need. We are a National Benefits Enrollment Center, which means we can assist people age 50+ with applying for the following programs: SNAP, Medicare Savings, Extra Help and Medicaid. Eligibility for these benefit programs is based on income and assets. The application process can be challenging, but we have trained counselors to help manage the process step-by-step.

Achieving your financial goals can be challenging without creating or maintaining a budget. Budgeting is a way of being accountable to yourself, your needs, or anyone that depends on you financially. It’s a way of telling your money where to go, instead of wondering where your money went. We can assist you in this process of taking control of your money and your life.

Debt Management
Financial debt causes stress and anxiety that can take a toll on you and your family. You may feel like you’ll never catch up. Our financial experts will work with you, making sure you understand what options you have to decrease or eliminate debt. We help reduce the burden that debt can cause, so you can focus on living and enjoying your life.

Employment Services
Looking for a job? The employment search can pose big challenges for older jobseekers. If you’ve been out of the job-hunting market for a while, you’ll soon learn that everything has changed. On the other hand, more and more employers are realizing that older employees have much to offer, including experience and reliability. Once you understand what hiring managers look for and how they choose employees today, you’ll maximize your chances. With the right tools, you can be successful!

Filing a Fraud Complaint
Financial fraud occurs every 15 seconds. At the Elder Financial Safety Center, we provide education, resources, and tools to help you prevent financial fraud and protect yourself from scams.
Scammers are sophisticated and use minimal details they can find about you online, from your mail, or someone you know to make up stories and scenarios that seem real or possible to get you to fall for their scam.

Financial Coaching
It is never too late to work toward goals. We work one-on-one with our clients to help you achieve your financial goals. Our coaching method is based on trust and accountability. We establish a safe space with no judgments. We will work alongside you, helping you navigate the roadblocks while achieving success along your journey to financial security and individual empowerment.

Insurance Counseling
Insurance plays an important part of our everyday lives, whether we like it or not. It helps us offset the risk of the unexpected, like auto accidents, property damage, illness, and injuries, and unfortunately, the loss of life. Making decisions about insurance can be confusing and intimidating. We help older adults feel comfortable about making decisions when it comes to insurance; guiding you through the process of what is and is not appropriate for your needs.

Money Management
Some older adults live alone, have become isolated or have no family or support network. These adults can become vulnerable to financial abuse, fraud, and scams. Others have diminished financial capacity and are not able to manage their day-to-day affairs. We assist older adults in these situations, helping make sure bills are paid, assets are protected, and basic needs are met. We do this through case management and a dedicated staff of trained volunteers.

Wills Clinic
Free Assistance Drafting Your Last Will and Testament
If you would like to be put on the wait list for our next clinic sometime in 2024, please click the “Contact Us” buttom below and email us your name and phone number and we will contact you once we schedule the event.
Thank you for your patience and understanding!
We host a free Wills Clinic several times a year in conjunction with the Dallas Volunteer Attorney Program. If you would like to be added to the interest list for these events, please email us or visit our calendar to see the upcoming dates and locations.
You must meet these minimum qualifications to attend this event:
- Dallas County Resident
- 50 or older
- Limited Income
- Citizen or Legal Resident
Please note: Limited spots are available. You will receive a confirmation call or email confirming your spot before the event.
We’re Here to Help
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