Senior Employment Services
Our Employment Specialists can help mature workers with a variety of things to make you stand out from that stack of resumes. Services include upskilling with tech classes, resume and interview preparation, a lab for job seekers to use computers, and information and referral.

The Senior Source can help!
The Senior Source is proud to partner with Senior Planet from AARP. The Senior Planet program enables older adults to come together and find ways to learn, work, create, exercise, and thrive in today’s digital age. Through a variety of program offerings, older adults will feel more comfortable accessing technology and will improve their quality of life.
Improve your skills and land that dream job!
50+ and looking for a
new job?
We can help! The employment search can pose big challenges for older job seekers. If you’ve been out of the job-hunting market for a while, you’ll soon learn that everything has changed. On the other hand, more and more employers are realizing that older employees have much to offer, including experience and reliability. Once you understand what hiring managers look for and how they choose employees today, you’ll maximize your chances. With the right tools, you can be successful!
Senior Employment Services
Our Employment Specialists can help mature workers with a variety of things to make you stand out from that stack of resumes and improve opportunities for senior employment.

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Resource Center
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