The Senior Source Protects Seniors from Frauds and Scams

Elderly woman sitting on a call with a worried look on her face

When 87-year-old Betty* found out she’d been defrauded by an independent living facility in the Dallas area, she was shocked and distraught.

Betty had made plans to move back to Texas. She signed a lease and took all the steps necessary to move, but at the last minute the facility pulled the rug out from under her – leaving her with no home to move to with less than two days’ notice.

The Elder Financial Safety Center worked closely with Betty and initiated a claim against the facility, which resulted in legal action. Our staff did not rest until this case was settled, and we were able to get her a $25,000 settlement, preventing a bad situation from turning into a tragedy.

What’s even better than a settlement? Not getting defrauded or scammed in the first place! The EFSC at The Senior Source provides education to seniors to help spot red flags to avoid horrible scams and frauds.

Click here to learn more about how the Elder Financial Safety Center at The Senior Source helps protect senior adults from frauds and scams.

* The client’s name was changed for confidentiality.

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