Week of Events
Navigating Online Shopping
Navigating Online Shopping
Instructor: Veronica Solis (Dallas College Tech Trainer) Location: Dallas College- North Lake Campus (Building A, Room 310) Address: 5001 N MacArthur Blvd, Irving, TX 75038 Date: April 14 Time: 9 a.m.-10 a.m. Course Description This lecture will provide a general introduction to shopping online using the popular website Amazon.com. You’ll learn how to search for […]
IPad Essentials
IPad Essentials
Instructor: Marai Waleed (Dallas College Tech Trainer) Start Date: Monday 4/14/2025 End Date: Wednesday 5/14/2025 Total Number of Sessions: 10 Meeting Dates:  Mondays and Wednesdays Time: 10am-11:15am Location: Eastfield Dallas College Campus Room W 122 Address: 3737 Motley Dr. Mesquite, TX 75150 Pre-requisite: Prerequisites: A Gmail address. This course is best suited for people who have had some […]
All-In Spousal Support Groups
All-In Spousal Support Groups
All-In Spousal Support Group Free Approximately 3.2 million caregivers are spouses in America today. Spouses spend more hours each week, doing more intense tasks with less outside help than any other family caregiver. Join our virtual caregiver support group for those who are caring for a senior. This group offers opportunities to share experiences of […]
Using Google Calendar
Using Google Calendar
Instructor: Alexander Yurko Start Date: Tuesday 4/15/2025 Total Number of Sessions: 1 Meeting Dates:  4/15/2025 Time: 2:00pm-3:15pm Location:  The Senior Source Address:  3910 Harry Hines Blvd. Dallas Texas 75219 Course Description: Still using an appointment book? Come learn about the benefits of a using an online calendar. Google calendar is a free, web-based calendar that is […]
Adult Children and Non-Spousal Family Members Support Group
Adult Children and Non-Spousal Family Members Support Group
Join our virtual caregiver support group for adult children and loved ones who care for parents or family members. This group offers opportunities to share experiences of the caregiving journey, learn self-care and coping skills, and give and receive support.Meets 3rd Tuesday of every month from 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Money Smart for Older Adults – Financial Education and Literacy Course
Money Smart for Older Adults – Financial Education and Literacy Course
Money Smart for Older Adults is our financial education and literacy course focusing on helping older adults and their loved ones make sound decisions about financial matters and how to protect their money and assets. The content includes frauds, scams, exploitation of at-risk older adults, all things money including planning for retirement, credit and debt, […]
Instagram Basics
Instagram Basics
Instructor: Debbie Burkham Start Date: Wednesday 4/16/2025  Total Number of Sessions: 1 Meeting Dates: 4/16/2025  Time: 2:00pm-3:15pm Location:  The Senior Source Address:  3910 Harry Hines Blvd. Dallas Texas 75219 Course Description: You’ve probably heard about Instagram; now come learn about this visually oriented sharing platform and what makes it one of the most exciting of the […]
Groupo de Apoyo Virtual Para Cuidador 2025-04-17
Groupo de Apoyo Virtual Para Cuidador 2025-04-17
Un grupo virtual para aquellos que cuidan a sus seres queridos mayores. Confirme su asistencia al Programa de apoyo para cuidadores en CSP@TheSeniorSource.org o llame al 214.823-5700 Tercer jueves mensual (Third Thursday monthly) @ 11:30 am – 1:00 pm
Going Wireless How to Use Wi-Fi
Going Wireless How to Use Wi-Fi
Instructor: Erica Sampson Start Date: Thursday 4/17/2025  Total Number of Sessions: 1 Meeting Dates: 4/17/2025  Time: 2:00pm-3:15pm Location:  The Senior Source Address:   3910 Harry Hines Blvd. Dallas Texas 75219 Course Description: Want Internet access on the go? Wi-Fi is the wireless Internet connection available at many coffee shops, libraries and airports. You can also set up […]
Up and Out LGBTQIA+ Support Group
Up and Out LGBTQIA+ Support Group
Meets third Thursday monthly, 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm Up & Out is a welcoming supportive group for LGBTQIA+ caregivers who are currently caring for anyone 50 years or older. This is a safe space to receive support, make new connections, talk about your frustrations as a caregiver, and gain new skills to help manage and reduce […]