Phishing and Identity Theft

The Senior Source 3910 Harry Hines Boulevard, Dallas

Instructor: Carl Burlbaw Start Date: Thursday 3/20/2025   Total Number of Sessions: 1  Time: 10am- 11:15am Location:  The Senior Source Address:  3910 Harry Hines Blvd. Dallas Texas, 75219 Course Description: If you have email, use social media, or even text on your mobile device, you are a target for phishing. Phishing is an attempt to trick you […]


Groupo de Apoyo Virtual Para Cuidador 2025-03-20

Virtual Zoom

Un grupo virtual para aquellos que cuidan a sus seres queridos mayores. Confirme su asistencia al Programa de apoyo para cuidadores en o llame al 214.823-5700 Tercer jueves mensual (Third Thursday monthly) @ 11:30 am â€“ 1:00 pm


Tech Tips for Disaster Preparedness

The Senior Source 3910 Harry Hines Boulevard, Dallas

Instructor: Debbie Burkham Start Date: Thursday 3/20/2025 Total Number of Sessions: 1     Time: 2pm-3:15pm  Location:  The Senior Source Address: 3910 Harry Hines Blvd. Dallas Texas, 75219     Course Description: Did you know that technology is an essential part of being prepared for emergencies and natural disasters? In this session, we’ll explain how technology can help you prepare. […]


Up and Out LGBTQIA+ Support Group

Virtual Zoom

Meets third Thursday monthly, 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm Up & Out is a welcoming supportive group for LGBTQIA+ caregivers who are currently caring for anyone 50 years or older. This is a safe space to receive support, make new connections, talk about your frustrations as a caregiver, and gain new skills to help manage and reduce […]

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