About Us

The Senior Source champions older adults. We empower active seniors to live with purpose and protect vulnerable older adults. We advocate for all of our rights as we age and ensure that financial and emotional well-being is achievable.


We are deeply committed to creating and promoting a workplace that is welcoming, non-discriminatory, and authentically representative of our community and those we serve.

Purpose, Vision, and Values

About Us

The seniors and their families we serve aren’t two-dimensional and neither are the services that we will offer. We must embrace efficient and effective solutions. We must provide a welcoming culture to new employees, and we must grow our sphere of influence. Learn more about how you can join us in this next dimension of aging.

Click to learn more about our 2023-2026 Strategic Plan:

Our History and Who We Serve

The Senior Source began in 1961 as the Senior Citizens Foundation of Dallas, providing assistance to older adults in Dallas County. 

Service Expansion

Over the last 60 years, the agency has added volunteer opportunities, nursing home resources, guardianship services, financial assistance and protection, fraud and scam prevention, employment services, and support for caregivers in Dallas and Collin Counties. 


In 2008, The Senior Source moved to its current location on Harry Hines Boulevard. In 2014, it launched a first-of-its-kind Elder Financial Safety Center to provide financial empowerment to older adults. Starting in 2021 we made our resources highly accessible online and continue to make strides in an effort to support all seniors, including homebound or those with transportation challenges.

Our Clients

The Senior Source is proud to serve all older adults regardless of race, color, gender, national origin, age, religion, creed, status as a protected veteran, status as an individual with a disability or sexual orientation.

The Senior Source

Our Impact

USA Today praised our efforts to keep clients connected and empowered. See more in our most recent impact statement.

Economic Impact
Seniors Served Per Year
Long-term Care Visits Per Year
Caregivers Report Less Stress
Volunteers Engaged Per Year
Seniors Educated Per Year
Seniors Experience a Positive Financial Impact
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